Episode 146: The Lighthouse

This week, Gavia and Morgan dive into the wild world of The Lighthouse, Robert Eggers' surreal follow-up to The Witch (2015). They break down the film's bold stylistic choices, Eggers' approach to historical accuracy, and wild central performances from Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson.

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Historical drama ‘The Lighthouse’ is stinky, anarchic, and gloriously weird,” Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, The Daily Dot

‘It was a learning curve for everyone’: Robert Eggers on The Lighthouse’s tech experiments,” Tasha Robinson, The Verge

What Can Robert Pattinson Do to Keep You Guessing?,” Kyle Buchanan, The New York Times

How Robert Pattinson And Willem Dafoe Made It To The Lighthouse,” Alex Bilmes, Esquire